1. Q: How to process the original video files of fruit fly video tracking into VTL format?

A: The recorded video is converted into frame-by-frame images slices using our provided python program vtl.py. Movements of each fly were calculated by the alteration of its location in each image frame, which is transformed into a data point in a two-dimensional coordinate system.

2. Q: Why don't you provide the raw video files of fruit fly video tracking?

A: The volume of raw video data was estimated to exceed 100 TB, and thus only VTL files were reserved after video recording and transformation.

3. Q: I have a few questions which are not listed above, how can I contact the authors?

A: Please contact the major author: Dr. Yu Xue (Email: xueyu@hust.edu.cn), Dr. Luoying Zhang (Email: zhangluoying@hust.edu.cn), Dr. Di Peng (Email: pengdi@hust.edu.cn), or Liubin Zheng (Email: zlb2018@hust.edu.cn) for details.